Interface SolutionMappingsIndex

All Superinterfaces:
Collection<SolutionMapping>, Iterable<SolutionMapping>, StatsProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:
SolutionMappingsHashTable, SolutionMappingsHashTableBasedOnOneVar, SolutionMappingsHashTableBasedOnTwoVars, SolutionMappingsIndexBase, SolutionMappingsIndexForMixedUsage, SolutionMappingsIndexNoJoinVars, SolutionMappingsIndexWithPostMatching, WrappingSolutionMappingsIndex

public interface SolutionMappingsIndex extends Collection<SolutionMapping>, StatsProvider
Implementations of this interface can be used as an index for SolutionMapping objects. In general, such an index may contain duplicates. That is, multiple identical solution mappings may be added and should be possible to retrieve. However, there may be implementations of this interface that are explicitly restricted to index sets of solution mappings (rather than multisets).