Interface SPARQLUnionPattern

All Superinterfaces:
Query, SPARQLGraphPattern
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface SPARQLUnionPattern extends SPARQLGraphPattern
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the number of graph patterns that are combined via this union operator.
    Returns all graph patterns that are combined via this union operator.
    Returns the i-th of the graph patterns that are combined via this union operator, where i starts at index 0 (zero).
  • Method Details

    • getNumberOfSubPatterns

      int getNumberOfSubPatterns()
      Returns the number of graph patterns that are combined via this union operator.
    • getSubPatterns

      Iterable<SPARQLGraphPattern> getSubPatterns()
      Returns all graph patterns that are combined via this union operator.
    • getSubPatterns

      SPARQLGraphPattern getSubPatterns(int i) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
      Returns the i-th of the graph patterns that are combined via this union operator, where i starts at index 0 (zero). If the union operator has fewer sub-patterns, then an IndexOutOfBoundsException will be thrown.