Interface DataRetrievalRequest

All Known Subinterfaces:
BGPRequest, BindingsRestrictedTriplePatternRequest, BRTPFRequest, GraphQLRequest, Neo4jRequest, SPARQLRequest, TPFRequest, TriplePatternRequest
All Known Implementing Classes:
BGPRequestImpl, BindingsRestrictedTriplePatternRequestImpl, BRTPFRequestImpl, GraphQLRequestImpl, Neo4jRequestImpl, SPARQLRequestImpl, TPFRequestImpl, TriplePatternRequestImpl

public interface DataRetrievalRequest
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the query variables for which this data retrieval request aims to fetch data (if any), where some of these variables may be 'certain variables' whereas others are 'possible variables'.
  • Method Details

    • getExpectedVariables

      ExpectedVariables getExpectedVariables()
      Returns the query variables for which this data retrieval request aims to fetch data (if any), where some of these variables may be 'certain variables' whereas others are 'possible variables'. For the distinction between these two types of variables, refer to ExpectedVariables.getCertainVariables() and to {@link ExpectedVariables#getPossibleVariables())}. For instance, if this request is about fetching triples that match a given triple pattern, then the variables of that triple pattern would be returned here as certain variables. Note that the method may also return null (which would be the case for types of data retrieval requests for which this method is not applicable in any reasonable way).
    • toString

      String toString()
      toString in class Object