Interface IntermediateResultBlockBuilder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IntermediateResultBlockBuilder
  • Method Details

    • startNewBlock

      void startNewBlock()
      Starts creating a new IntermediateResultBlock. If creating the previous block has not been completed by calling finishCurrentBlock(), then everything that was added into that uncompleted block will be discarded.
    • add

      void add(SolutionMapping element)
      Adds the given result element to the currently-created block. If no block was started so far or this is the first call of this method after finishCurrentBlock() was called, then a new block will be started first (i.e., startNewBlock() will be called internally).
    • sizeOfCurrentBlock

      int sizeOfCurrentBlock()
      Returns the current size of the currently-created block. If no block was started so far or this is the first call of this method after finishCurrentBlock() was called, then this method returns 0 (zero).
    • finishCurrentBlock

      IntermediateResultBlock finishCurrentBlock()
      Finishes the creation of the currently-created block and returns this block.