Interface NaryExecutableOp

All Superinterfaces:
ExecutableOperator, StatsProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExecOpMultiwayUnion, NaryExecutableOpBase

public interface NaryExecutableOp extends ExecutableOperator
A specialization of the ExecutableOperator interface that captures executable operators that consume an arbitrary number of sequences of solution mappings (where each such sequence is batched into several blocks of solution mappings).
  • Method Details

    • preferredInputBlockSizeFromChilden

      int preferredInputBlockSizeFromChilden()
      Returns the preferred block size of input blocks that are passed to this executable operator from any of its operands. A query planner may use this number as an optimization hint but it does not have to use it.
    • processBlockFromXthChild

      void processBlockFromXthChild(int x, IntermediateResultBlock input, IntermediateResultElementSink sink, ExecutionContext execCxt) throws ExecOpExecutionException
      Processes the given input coming from the x-th operand and sends the produced result elements (if any) to the given sink.
    • wrapUpForXthChild

      void wrapUpForXthChild(int x, IntermediateResultElementSink sink, ExecutionContext execCxt) throws ExecOpExecutionException
      Finishes up any processing related to the input coming from the x-th operand and sends the remaining result elements (if any) to the given sink. This method will be called once for each of the operands, after the sub-plan that produces the input coming from the operand has finished producing its result.