All Implemented Interfaces:
StatsProvider, ExecutableOperator
Direct Known Subclasses:
BinaryExecutableOpBase, NaryExecutableOpBase, NullaryExecutableOpBase, UnaryExecutableOpBase

public abstract class BaseForExecOps extends Object implements ExecutableOperator
Top-level base class for all implementations of ExecutableOperator. This base class handles the collection of exceptions that may occur during the execution of the algorithm implemented by an executable operator.
  • Field Details

    • collectExceptions

      protected final boolean collectExceptions
      If true, then the subclasses are expected to collect exceptions (by calling recordExceptionCaughtDuringExecution(Exception)); otherwise, they are expected to throw the exceptions immediately.
  • Constructor Details

    • BaseForExecOps

      public BaseForExecOps(boolean collectExceptions)
  • Method Details

    • getExceptionsCaughtDuringExecution

      public List<Exception> getExceptionsCaughtDuringExecution()
      Description copied from interface: ExecutableOperator
      Returns exceptions that were caught and collected during the execution of this operator (if any). If no exceptions were caught (which should be the normal case), then this function returns an empty list.
      Specified by:
      getExceptionsCaughtDuringExecution in interface ExecutableOperator
    • recordExceptionCaughtDuringExecution

      protected void recordExceptionCaughtDuringExecution(Exception e)