Interface LogicalOperator

All Known Subinterfaces:
BinaryLogicalOp, NaryLogicalOp, NullaryLogicalOp, UnaryLogicalOp
All Known Implementing Classes:
LogicalOpBGPAdd, LogicalOpBGPOptAdd, LogicalOpBind, LogicalOperatorBase, LogicalOpFilter, LogicalOpGlobalToLocal, LogicalOpGPAdd, LogicalOpGPOptAdd, LogicalOpJoin, LogicalOpLocalToGlobal, LogicalOpMultiwayJoin, LogicalOpMultiwayLeftJoin, LogicalOpMultiwayUnion, LogicalOpRequest, LogicalOpRightJoin, LogicalOpTPAdd, LogicalOpTPOptAdd, LogicalOpUnion

public interface LogicalOperator
The top-level interface for all types of logical operators of HeFQUIN.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the variables that can be expected in the solution mappings produced by this operator if the input(s) to this operator contain solutions mappings with the given set(s) of variables.
    Returns an identifier of this operator, which should be unique for all the operators within the same plan (no matter what type of operator they are).
  • Method Details

    • getExpectedVariables

      ExpectedVariables getExpectedVariables(ExpectedVariables... inputVars)
      Returns the variables that can be expected in the solution mappings produced by this operator if the input(s) to this operator contain solutions mappings with the given set(s) of variables. The number of ExpectedVariables objects passed to this method must be in line with the degree of this operator (e.g., for a unary operator, exactly one such object must be passed).
    • getID

      int getID()
      Returns an identifier of this operator, which should be unique for all the operators within the same plan (no matter what type of operator they are).
    • visit

      void visit(LogicalPlanVisitor visitor)