Class PhysicalOpBindJoinWithUNION

All Implemented Interfaces:
PhysicalOperator, PhysicalOperatorForLogicalOperator, UnaryPhysicalOp, UnaryPhysicalOpForLogicalOp

public class PhysicalOpBindJoinWithUNION extends BaseForPhysicalOpSingleInputJoin
A physical operator that implements (a batching version of) the bind join algorithm using UNION.

Semantics: This operator implements the logical operators gpAdd (see LogicalOpGPAdd) and gpOptAdd (see LogicalOpGPOptAdd). That is, for a given graph pattern, a federation member, and an input sequence of solution mappings (produced by the sub-plan under this operator), the operator produces the solutions resulting from the join (inner or left outer) between the input solutions and the solutions of evaluating the given graph pattern over the data of the federation member.

Algorithm description: For a detailed description of the actual algorithm associated with this physical operator, refer to ExecOpBindJoinSPARQLwithUNION, which provides the implementation of this algorithm.