Class LogicalOpUtils


public class LogicalOpUtils extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • LogicalOpUtils

      public LogicalOpUtils()
  • Method Details

    • createNewBGP

      public static BGP createNewBGP(LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lop1, LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lop2)
      Creates a BGP by merging two sets of triple patterns, which are extracted from two given Requests.
    • createNewBGP

      public static BGP createNewBGP(LogicalOpTPAdd lopTPAdd, LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lopReq)
      Creates a BGP by adding a triple pattern to a set of triple patterns, where the triple pattern is extracted from a given tpAdd operator, and the set of triple patterns are extracted from the given Request.
    • createNewBGP

      public static BGP createNewBGP(LogicalOpBGPAdd lopBGPAdd, LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lopReq)
      Creates a BGP by merging two sets of triple patterns, where one of them is extracted from a given bgpAdd operator, and another one is extracted from a given Request.
    • createNewBGP

      public static BGP createNewBGP(LogicalOpBGPAdd lopBGPAdd1, LogicalOpBGPAdd lopBGPAdd2)
      Creates a BGP by merging two sets of triple patterns, which are extracted from two given bgpAdd operators.
    • createNewBGP

      public static BGP createNewBGP(LogicalOpTPAdd lopTPAdd, LogicalOpBGPAdd lopBGPAdd)
      Creates a BGP by adding a triple pattern to a set of triple patterns, where the triple pattern is extracted from a given tpAdd operator, and the set of triple patterns are extracted from a given bgpAdd operator.
    • createNewGraphPatternWithAND

      public static SPARQLGraphPattern createNewGraphPatternWithAND(LogicalOpTPAdd lopTPAdd, LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lopReq)
      Creates a new graph pattern by adding a triple pattern to the graph pattern of a given SPARQLRequest, where the triple pattern is extracted from a given tpAdd operator.
    • createNewGraphPatternWithAND

      public static SPARQLGraphPattern createNewGraphPatternWithAND(LogicalOpBGPAdd lopBGPAdd, LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lopReq)
      Creates a new graph pattern by adding a BGP to the graph pattern of a given SPARQLRequest, where the BGP is extracted from a given bgpAdd operator.
    • createNewGraphPatternWithAND

      public static SPARQLGraphPattern createNewGraphPatternWithAND(LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lopReq1, LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lopReq2)
      Creates a new graph pattern using a conjunction of two graph patterns, which are extracted from two given SPARQLRequests.
    • createNewGraphPatternWithUnion

      public static SPARQLGraphPattern createNewGraphPatternWithUnion(LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lopReq1, LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lopReq2)
      Creates a new graph pattern using a union of two graph patterns, which are extracted from two given SPARQLRequests.
    • getPatternOfRequest

      public static org.apache.jena.sparql.syntax.Element getPatternOfRequest(LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lopReq)
    • getTriplePatternsOfReq

      public static Set<TriplePattern> getTriplePatternsOfReq(LogicalOpRequest<?,?> lop)
      Return a set of triple patterns, which are extracted from a given Request (support TriplePatternRequest and BGPRequest)
    • createLogicalAddOpFromPhysicalReqOp

      public static UnaryLogicalOp createLogicalAddOpFromPhysicalReqOp(PhysicalOperator op)
    • createLogicalAddOpFromLogicalReqOp

      public static UnaryLogicalOp createLogicalAddOpFromLogicalReqOp(LogicalOpRequest<?,?> reqOp)
    • createLogicalOptAddOpFromPhysicalReqOp

      public static UnaryLogicalOp createLogicalOptAddOpFromPhysicalReqOp(PhysicalOperator op)
    • createBGPAddLopFromRequest

      public static LogicalOpBGPAdd createBGPAddLopFromRequest(BGPRequest req, FederationMember fm)
      Creates a logical bgpAdd operator that uses the BGP of the given request, together with the given federation member.
    • createBGPOptAddLopFromRequest

      public static LogicalOpBGPOptAdd createBGPOptAddLopFromRequest(BGPRequest req, FederationMember fm)
      Creates a logical bgpOptAdd operator that uses the BGP of the given request, together with the given federation member.
    • createTPAddLopFromRequest

      public static LogicalOpTPAdd createTPAddLopFromRequest(TriplePatternRequest req, FederationMember fm)
      Creates a logical tpAdd operator that uses the triple pattern of the given request, together with the given federation member.
    • createTPOptAddLopFromRequest

      public static LogicalOpTPOptAdd createTPOptAddLopFromRequest(TriplePatternRequest req, FederationMember fm)
      Creates a logical tpOptAdd operator that uses the triple pattern of the given request, together with the given federation member.
    • createGPAddLopFromRequest

      public static LogicalOpGPAdd createGPAddLopFromRequest(SPARQLRequest req, FederationMember fm)
      Creates a logical gpAdd operator that uses the graph pattern of the given request, together with the given federation member.
    • createGPOptAddLopFromRequest

      public static LogicalOpGPOptAdd createGPOptAddLopFromRequest(SPARQLRequest req, FederationMember fm)
      Creates a logical gpOptAdd operator that uses the graph pattern of the given request, together with the given federation member.