Interface SourcePlanner

All Known Implementing Classes:
ExhaustiveSourcePlannerImpl, ServiceClauseBasedSourcePlannerImpl, SourcePlannerBase

public interface SourcePlanner
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The logical plan returned by this method is a source assignment (see Definition 8 of our FedQPL paper); that is, the only types of operators that it contains are request operators (LogicalOpRequest), multiway joins (LogicalOpMultiwayJoin), and multiway unions (LogicalOpMultiwayUnion).
  • Method Details

    • createSourceAssignment

      Pair<LogicalPlan,SourcePlanningStats> createSourceAssignment(Query query) throws SourcePlanningException
      The logical plan returned by this method is a source assignment (see Definition 8 of our FedQPL paper); that is, the only types of operators that it contains are request operators (LogicalOpRequest), multiway joins (LogicalOpMultiwayJoin), and multiway unions (LogicalOpMultiwayUnion).