Class ApplyVocabularyMappings

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ApplyVocabularyMappings extends Object implements HeuristicForLogicalOptimization
  • Constructor Details

    • ApplyVocabularyMappings

      public ApplyVocabularyMappings()
  • Method Details

    • apply

      public LogicalPlan apply(LogicalPlan inputPlan)
      Rewrites an initial logical plan into a second plan which incorporates translations of local to global vocabulary and request-operator rewriting. This method implements the rewriteLogPlan pseudocode of Helgesson's B.Sc thesis.
      Specified by:
      apply in interface HeuristicForLogicalOptimization
    • rewriteToUseLocalVocabulary

      public static LogicalPlan rewriteToUseLocalVocabulary(LogicalPlan inputPlan)
      Rewrites the given logical plan with a request operator as root into a logical plan that uses the local vocabulary of the federation member of the request.
    • rewriteReqOf

      public static LogicalPlan rewriteReqOf(SPARQLGraphPattern pattern, FederationMember fm)
      Creates a logical plan where all requests are TriplePatternRequests for use when a federation member's interface is a TPF-server.