Class CardinalityBasedJoinOrderingBase.AnnotatedLogicalPlan

Enclosing class:

protected static class CardinalityBasedJoinOrderingBase.AnnotatedLogicalPlan extends Object
A help class that wraps a LogicalPlan together with some information about this plan that is relevant for the algorithm of the main class (CardinalityBasedJoinOrderingBase and that may be relevant for implementations of the abstract functions.
  • Field Details

    • plan

      public final LogicalPlan plan
      The wrapped LogicalPlan.
    • potentialJoinVars

      public final Set<org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var> potentialJoinVars
      The set of certain variables of plan; shortcut for calling ExpectedVariables#getCertainVariables()) on LogicalPlan.getExpectedVariables().
    • cardinality

      public final int cardinality
      Result cardinality as has been estimated for plan.
  • Constructor Details

    • AnnotatedLogicalPlan

      public AnnotatedLogicalPlan(LogicalPlan plan, int card)