Interface GraphQLSchema

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface GraphQLSchema
  • Method Details

    • containsGraphQLObjectType

      boolean containsGraphQLObjectType(String objectTypeName)
      Verifies that a GraphQL object type with the name @param objectTypeName exists for the endpoint (as defined by its schema).
    • containsGraphQLField

      boolean containsGraphQLField(String objectTypeName, String fieldName)
      Verifies that a field with the name @param fieldName exists for a GraphQL object type with the name @param objectTypeName in the endpoint (as defined by its schema).
    • getGraphQLFieldType

      GraphQLFieldType getGraphQLFieldType(String objectTypeName, String fieldName)
      a GraphQLFieldType enum that describes whether the field with the name @param fieldName of the GraphQL object type of the name @param objectTypeName is a scalar value or an object. If the parameter names provided doesn't correspond to an object type or a field for the endpoint return null.
    • getGraphQLFieldValueType

      String getGraphQLFieldValueType(String objectTypeName, String fieldName)
      fieldName - of the GraphQL object type with the name @param objectTypeName . If the parameter names provided doesn't correspond to an object type or a field for the endpoint return null.
      the value type (String,Int,... etc.) for the field with the name
    • getGraphQLObjectTypes

      Set<String> getGraphQLObjectTypes()
      a set with the names of all the defined GraphQL object types for the endpoint.
    • getGraphQLObjectFields

      Map<String,GraphQLField> getGraphQLObjectFields(String objectTypeName)
      a map of field names for the GraphQL object type with the name @param objectTypeName mapped to their respective GraphQLField objects containing information about the field. If the parameter name provided doesn't correspond to an object type for the endpoint return null.
    • getEntrypoint

      GraphQLEntrypoint getEntrypoint(String objectTypeName, GraphQLEntrypointType fieldType)
      obejectTypeName - is the name of the object type the field returns and @param fieldType is an enum describing whether the field returns a single object, a filtered list of objects or a list of all objects. If the parameter names provided doesn't correspond to an object type or a GraphQLEntrypointType for the endpoint return null.
      a GraphQLEntrypoint object containing information about a specific field in the GraphQL "query" type.