Interface SPARQL2CypherTranslationResult

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public interface SPARQL2CypherTranslationResult
Objects of this type capture the output of the SPARQL-to-Cypher translation (as performed by a SPARQLStar2CypherTranslator). Such output consists of the resulting Cypher query and a mapping from each variable used in this Cypher query to the SPARQL variable that the Cypher variables corresponds to.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the Cypher query produced by the translation process.
    Returns the mapping that maps each variable introduced in the Cypher query (see getCypherQuery()) to the corresponding SPARQL variable in the SPARQL pattern that was translated.
  • Method Details

    • getCypherQuery

      CypherQuery getCypherQuery()
      Returns the Cypher query produced by the translation process.
    • getVariablesMapping

      Map<CypherVar,org.apache.jena.sparql.core.Var> getVariablesMapping()
      Returns the mapping that maps each variable introduced in the Cypher query (see getCypherQuery()) to the corresponding SPARQL variable in the SPARQL pattern that was translated.