Interface LPG2RDFConfiguration

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultLPG2RDFConfigurationImpl, LPG2RDFConfigurationImpl

public interface LPG2RDFConfiguration
Represents the notion of an LPG-to-RDF configuration as defined in Olaf Hartig: "Foundations to Query Labeled Property Graphs using SPARQL*." In the Proceedings of the 1st Int. Workshop on Approaches for Making Data Interoperable (AMAR) at SEMANTiCS 2019. Such a configuration consist of the following five components, which are captured by the methods of this interface. i) an injective function called node mapping that maps every given LPG node to either an IRI or a blank node, ii) an injective function called node label mapping that maps labels of LPG nodes to IRIs or literals, iii) an injective function called edge label mapping that maps labels of LPG edges to IRIs, iv) an injective function called property name mapping that maps names of properties of LPG nodes and edge to IRIs, and v) an IRI to be used in the predicate position of any RDF triple that captures information about the label of some LPG node.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getEdgeLabelForIRI(org.apache.jena.graph.Node iri)
    Applies the inverse of the edge label mapping to the given IRI and, thus, returns the edge label that is mapped to the given IRI.
    Applies the edge label mapping to the given edge label and, thus, returns the IRI (in the form of a Jena Node object) that the edge label is mapped to.
    Applies the property name mapping to the given property name and, thus, returns the IRI (in the form of a Jena Node object) that the property name is mapped to.
    Returns the IRI (in the form of a Jena Node object) to be used in the predicate position of any RDF triple that captures information about the label of some LPG node.
    getLPGNodeForRDFTerm(org.apache.jena.graph.Node term)
    Applies the inverse of the node mapping to the given RDF term and, thus, returns the LPG node that is mapped to the given RDF term (which must be an IRI or a blank node).
    getNodeLabelForRDFTerm(org.apache.jena.graph.Node term)
    Applies the inverse of the node label mapping to the given RDF term and, thus, returns the node label that is mapped to the given RDF term (which must be an IRI or a literal).
    getPropertyNameForIRI(org.apache.jena.graph.Node iri)
    Applies the inverse of the property name mapping to the given IRI and, thus, returns the property name that is mapped to the given IRI.
    Applies the node mapping to the given LPG node and, thus, returns the IRI or blank node (in the form of a Jena Node object) that the LPG node is mapped to.
    Applies the node label mapping to the given node label and, thus, returns the IRI or literal (in the form of a Jena Node object) that the node label is mapped to.
    isIRIForEdgeLabel(org.apache.jena.graph.Node iri)
    Returns true if the given IRI is in the image of the edge label mapping and, thus, may be returned by getIRIForEdgeLabel(String) for some edge label.
    isIRIForPropertyName(org.apache.jena.graph.Node iri)
    Returns true if the given IRI is in the image of the property name mapping and, thus, may be returned by getIRIForPropertyName(String) for some property name.
    isRDFTermForLPGNode(org.apache.jena.graph.Node term)
    Returns true if the given RDF term is in the image of the node mapping and, thus, may be returned by getRDFTermForLPGNode(LPGNode) for some LPG node.
    isRDFTermForNodeLabel(org.apache.jena.graph.Node term)
    Returns true if the given RDF term is in the image of the node label mapping and, thus, may be returned by getRDFTermForNodeLabel(String) for some node label.
  • Method Details

    • getRDFTermForLPGNode

      org.apache.jena.graph.Node getRDFTermForLPGNode(LPGNode node)
      Applies the node mapping to the given LPG node and, thus, returns the IRI or blank node (in the form of a Jena Node object) that the LPG node is mapped to.
    • isRDFTermForLPGNode

      boolean isRDFTermForLPGNode(org.apache.jena.graph.Node term)
      Returns true if the given RDF term is in the image of the node mapping and, thus, may be returned by getRDFTermForLPGNode(LPGNode) for some LPG node.
    • getLPGNodeForRDFTerm

      LPGNode getLPGNodeForRDFTerm(org.apache.jena.graph.Node term)
      Applies the inverse of the node mapping to the given RDF term and, thus, returns the LPG node that is mapped to the given RDF term (which must be an IRI or a blank node). If the given RDF term is not in the image of the node mapping (in which case isRDFTermForLPGNode(Node) returns false), this method throws an IllegalArgumentException.
    • getRDFTermForNodeLabel

      org.apache.jena.graph.Node getRDFTermForNodeLabel(String nodeLabel)
      Applies the node label mapping to the given node label and, thus, returns the IRI or literal (in the form of a Jena Node object) that the node label is mapped to.
    • isRDFTermForNodeLabel

      boolean isRDFTermForNodeLabel(org.apache.jena.graph.Node term)
      Returns true if the given RDF term is in the image of the node label mapping and, thus, may be returned by getRDFTermForNodeLabel(String) for some node label.
    • getNodeLabelForRDFTerm

      String getNodeLabelForRDFTerm(org.apache.jena.graph.Node term)
      Applies the inverse of the node label mapping to the given RDF term and, thus, returns the node label that is mapped to the given RDF term (which must be an IRI or a literal). If the given RDF term is not in the image of the node label mapping (in which case isRDFTermForNodeLabel(Node) returns false), this method throws an IllegalArgumentException.
    • getIRIForEdgeLabel

      org.apache.jena.graph.Node getIRIForEdgeLabel(String edgeLabel)
      Applies the edge label mapping to the given edge label and, thus, returns the IRI (in the form of a Jena Node object) that the edge label is mapped to.
    • isIRIForEdgeLabel

      boolean isIRIForEdgeLabel(org.apache.jena.graph.Node iri)
      Returns true if the given IRI is in the image of the edge label mapping and, thus, may be returned by getIRIForEdgeLabel(String) for some edge label.
    • getEdgeLabelForIRI

      String getEdgeLabelForIRI(org.apache.jena.graph.Node iri)
      Applies the inverse of the edge label mapping to the given IRI and, thus, returns the edge label that is mapped to the given IRI. If the given IRI is not in the image of the edge label mapping (in which case isIRIForEdgeLabel(Node) returns false), this method throws an IllegalArgumentException.
    • getIRIForPropertyName

      org.apache.jena.graph.Node getIRIForPropertyName(String propertyName)
      Applies the property name mapping to the given property name and, thus, returns the IRI (in the form of a Jena Node object) that the property name is mapped to.
    • isIRIForPropertyName

      boolean isIRIForPropertyName(org.apache.jena.graph.Node iri)
      Returns true if the given IRI is in the image of the property name mapping and, thus, may be returned by getIRIForPropertyName(String) for some property name.
    • getPropertyNameForIRI

      String getPropertyNameForIRI(org.apache.jena.graph.Node iri)
      Applies the inverse of the property name mapping to the given IRI and, thus, returns the property name that is mapped to the given IRI. If the given IRI is not in the image of the property name mapping (in which case isIRIForPropertyName(Node) returns false), this method throws an IllegalArgumentException.
    • getLabelPredicate

      org.apache.jena.graph.Node getLabelPredicate()
      Returns the IRI (in the form of a Jena Node object) to be used in the predicate position of any RDF triple that captures information about the label of some LPG node.