Class CompositeNodeLabelMappingImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CompositeNodeLabelMappingImpl extends Object implements NodeLabelMapping
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CompositeNodeLabelMappingImpl

      public CompositeNodeLabelMappingImpl(List<NodeLabelMapping> nodeLabelMappings)
  • Method Details

    • map

      public org.apache.jena.graph.Node map(String label)
      Description copied from interface: NodeLabelMapping
      Returns a URI or a literal nodeLabel (in the form of a Jena Node object) for the given String. It applies this nodeLabel mapping to the given String.
      Specified by:
      map in interface NodeLabelMapping
    • unmap

      public String unmap(org.apache.jena.graph.Node node)
      Description copied from interface: NodeLabelMapping
      Returns the String that corresponds to the given RDF term. It applies the inverse of this nodeLabel mapping to the given RDF term (which is assumed to be a literal or an IRI) in order to obtain the corresponding String.
      Specified by:
      unmap in interface NodeLabelMapping
    • isPossibleResult

      public boolean isPossibleResult(org.apache.jena.graph.Node node)
      Description copied from interface: NodeLabelMapping
      Check if the given RDF term is in the image of this nodeLable mapping and, thus, may be one of the RDF terms returned by the function for some String.
      Specified by:
      isPossibleResult in interface NodeLabelMapping