Uses of Package

  • Class
    This interface captures the notion of an edge label mapping that is part of the notion of an LPG-to-RDF configuration, and that such an edge Label mapping is an injective function from edge labels in LPGs to IRIs nodes as can occur in RDF graphs.
    This interface captures the notion of a nodeLabel mapping that is part of the notion of an LPG-to-RDF configuration, and that such a nodeLabel mapping is an injective function from nodeLabels in LPGs to IRIs or RDF-literal nodes as can occur in RDF graphs.
    This interface captures the notion of a node mapping that is part of the notion of an LPG-to-RDF configuration, and that such a node mapping is an injective function from nodes in LPGs to IRIs or blank nodes as can occur in RDF graphs.
    This interface captures the notion of a property name mapping that is part of the notion of an LPG-to-RDF configuration, where such a property name mapping is an injective function from names of properties in LPGs to IRIs nodes as can occur in RDF graphs.
  • Class
    This interface captures the notion of an edge label mapping that is part of the notion of an LPG-to-RDF configuration, and that such an edge Label mapping is an injective function from edge labels in LPGs to IRIs nodes as can occur in RDF graphs.
    This interface captures the notion of a nodeLabel mapping that is part of the notion of an LPG-to-RDF configuration, and that such a nodeLabel mapping is an injective function from nodeLabels in LPGs to IRIs or RDF-literal nodes as can occur in RDF graphs.
    This interface captures the notion of a node mapping that is part of the notion of an LPG-to-RDF configuration, and that such a node mapping is an injective function from nodes in LPGs to IRIs or blank nodes as can occur in RDF graphs.
    This interface captures the notion of a property name mapping that is part of the notion of an LPG-to-RDF configuration, where such a property name mapping is an injective function from names of properties in LPGs to IRIs nodes as can occur in RDF graphs.