Interface UnwindIterator

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public interface UnwindIterator extends CypherExpression
This interface represents an UNWIND clause of a Match Query. The relevant UNWIND clauses look like this: UNWIND [tempvar IN listExpression WHERE filters | [returnExpressions]] AS alias
  • Method Details

    • getInnerVar

      CypherVar getInnerVar()
      Returns the inner, temporary variable that iterates through the values of listExpression
    • getListExpression

      ListCypherExpression getListExpression()
      Returns the expression that evaluates to a list, whose values are iterated through.
    • getFilters

      Returns the list of conditions that must evaluate to TRUE, for an element in listExpression to be considered in the final result.
    • getReturnExpressions

      List<CypherExpression> getReturnExpressions()
      Returns the list of expressions that are returned for each element in listExpression that passes the filters. E.g.: k, a[k], etc.
    • getAlias

      CypherVar getAlias()
      Returns the CypherVar object that each set of return expressions is aliased as.