Interface TPFResponse

All Superinterfaces:
DataRetrievalResponse, TriplesResponse
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface TPFResponse extends TriplesResponse
  • Method Details

    • getPayload

      Iterable<Triple> getPayload()
      While TriplesResponse.getTriples() returns an iterator over all triples contained in the given TPF response, this method here returns an iterator only over the matching triples that have been requested.
    • getPayloadSize

      int getPayloadSize()
      Returns the number of triples that are returned by getPayload().
    • getMetadata

      Iterable<Triple> getMetadata()
      Returns an iterator over all metadata triples contained in the given TPF response.
    • getMetadataSize

      int getMetadataSize()
      Returns the number of triples that are returned by getMetadata().
    • isLastPage

      Boolean isLastPage()
      Returns true if the metadata of the given TPF response indicates that this response is the last page of matching triples. Returns null of there is no metadata related to paging.
    • getNextPageURL

      String getNextPageURL()
      Returns the URL via which the next page of the TPF can be requested. Returns null of no such URL is mentioned in the metadata.
    • getCardinalityEstimate

      Integer getCardinalityEstimate()
      Returns the cardinality estimate provided as metadata in the given TPF response. Returns null if there is no metadata with a cardinality estimate.