Interface DataRetrievalResponse

All Known Subinterfaces:
CardinalityResponse, JSONResponse, RecordsResponse, SolMapsResponse, StringResponse, TPFResponse, TriplesResponse
All Known Implementing Classes:
CardinalityResponseImpl, CardinalityResponseImplWithoutCardinality, DataRetrievalResponseBase, JSONResponseImpl, RecordsResponseImpl, SolMapsResponseImpl, StringResponseImpl, TPFResponseImpl, TriplesResponseImpl

public interface DataRetrievalResponse
  • Method Details

    • getFederationMember

      FederationMember getFederationMember()
      Returns the federation member where this response comes from.
    • getRequest

      DataRetrievalRequest getRequest()
      Returns the request that has been issued to obtain this response.
    • getRequestStartTime

      Date getRequestStartTime()
      Returns the time at which the corresponding data retrieval request (see getRequest()) was started.
    • getRetrievalEndTime

      Date getRetrievalEndTime()
      Returns the time at which the retrieval of this response was completed.