Class FederationDescriptionReader


public class FederationDescriptionReader extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • FederationDescriptionReader

      protected FederationDescriptionReader()
  • Method Details

    • readFromFile

      public static FederationCatalog readFromFile(String filename)
    • readFromModel

      public static FederationCatalog readFromModel(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model fd)
    • parseFedDescr

      public FederationCatalog parseFedDescr(String filename)
    • parseFedDescr

      public FederationCatalog parseFedDescr(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model fd)
    • parseVocabMapping

      protected VocabularyMapping parseVocabMapping(org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource fm, org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model fd)
      Checks whether given RDF resource (fm) representing a federation member is associated with a vocabulary mapping in the given federation description (fd) and, if so, parses this vocabulary mapping and returns it. Otherwise, this function returns null.
    • createSPARQLEndpoint

      protected FederationMember createSPARQLEndpoint(String uri, VocabularyMapping vm)
    • createTPFServer

      protected FederationMember createTPFServer(String uri, VocabularyMapping vm)
    • createBRTPFServer

      protected FederationMember createBRTPFServer(String uri, VocabularyMapping vm)
    • createNeo4jServer

      protected FederationMember createNeo4jServer(String uri, VocabularyMapping vm)
    • createGraphQLServer

      protected FederationMember createGraphQLServer(String uri, VocabularyMapping vm)
    • verifyValidVocabMappingFile

      protected boolean verifyValidVocabMappingFile(String pathToMappingFile)
      Verifies that the file at the given path exists.
    • verifyExpectedURI

      protected URI verifyExpectedURI(String uriString)
      Verifies that the given string represents an HTTP URI or an HTTPS URI and, if so, returns that URI.