Class ExecutablePlanStatsOfIteratorBasedPlan

All Implemented Interfaces:
Stats, ExecutablePlanStats

public class ExecutablePlanStatsOfIteratorBasedPlan extends StatsImpl implements ExecutablePlanStats
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getRootOperatorStats

      public ExecutableOperatorStats getRootOperatorStats()
      Returns the stats of the root operator of the executable plan for which this object has been created.
    • getNumberOfSubPlans

      public int getNumberOfSubPlans()
      Returns the number of sub-plans of the executable plan for which this object has been created (considering sub-plans that are direct children of the root operator of the plan).
    • getSubPlanStats

      public ExecutablePlanStats getSubPlanStats(int i) throws NoSuchElementException
      Returns the stats created for the i-th sub-plan of the executable plan for which this object has been created, where i starts at index 0 (zero). If the plan had fewer sub-plans (or no sub-plans at all), then a NoSuchElementException will be thrown.
    • getSubPlanStats

      public Iterable<ExecutablePlanStats> getSubPlanStats()
      Returns an iterable over the stats created for the sub-plans of the executable plan for which this object has been created.