Interface Stats

All Known Subinterfaces:
ExecPlanTaskStats, ExecutableOperatorStats, ExecutablePlanStats, ExecutionStats, FederationAccessStats, PhysicalOptimizationStats, QueryPlanningStats, QueryProcStats, SourcePlanningStats
All Known Implementing Classes:
ExecPlanTaskBase.ExecPlanTaskStatsImpl, ExecutableOperatorStatsImpl, ExecutablePlanStatsOfIteratorBasedPlan, ExecutablePlanStatsOfTaskBasedPlan, ExecutionStatsImpl, FederationAccessStatsImpl, PhysicalOptimizationStatsImpl, QueryPlanningStatsImpl, QueryProcStatsImpl, SourcePlanningStatsImpl, StatsImpl

public interface Stats
An interface for statistics collected during some process or by a data structure or component. Such statistics consists of multiple entries, each of which is a name-value pair. Note that a value may be another Stats object.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getEntry(String entryName)
    Returns the value of the entry with the given name.
    Returns the names of all entries.
    Returns true if there are no entries in this object.
  • Method Details

    • getEntryNames

      Iterable<String> getEntryNames()
      Returns the names of all entries.
    • getEntry

      Object getEntry(String entryName)
      Returns the value of the entry with the given name.
    • isEmpty

      boolean isEmpty()
      Returns true if there are no entries in this object.