Interface PhysicalPlan

All Known Subinterfaces:
PhysicalPlanWithBinaryRoot, PhysicalPlanWithNaryRoot, PhysicalPlanWithNullaryRoot, PhysicalPlanWithUnaryRoot
All Known Implementing Classes:
PhysicalPlanWithBinaryRootImpl, PhysicalPlanWithNaryRootImpl, PhysicalPlanWithNullaryRootImpl, PhysicalPlanWithUnaryRootImpl

public interface PhysicalPlan
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the variables that can be expected in the solution mappings produced by this plan.
    Returns the root operator of this plan.
    getSubPlan(int i)
    Returns the i-th sub-plan of this plan, where i starts at index 0 (zero).
    Returns the number of sub-plans that this plan has (considering sub-plans that are direct children of the root operator of this plan).
  • Method Details

    • getRootOperator

      PhysicalOperator getRootOperator()
      Returns the root operator of this plan.
    • getExpectedVariables

      ExpectedVariables getExpectedVariables()
      Returns the variables that can be expected in the solution mappings produced by this plan.
    • numberOfSubPlans

      int numberOfSubPlans()
      Returns the number of sub-plans that this plan has (considering sub-plans that are direct children of the root operator of this plan).
    • getSubPlan

      PhysicalPlan getSubPlan(int i) throws NoSuchElementException
      Returns the i-th sub-plan of this plan, where i starts at index 0 (zero). If the plan has fewer sub-plans (or no sub-plans at all), then a NoSuchElementException will be thrown.