Uses of Interface

Packages that use UnaryPhysicalOpForLogicalOp
  • Uses of UnaryPhysicalOpForLogicalOp in se.liu.ida.hefquin.engine.queryplan.physical.impl

    Modifier and Type
    Base class for physical operators that implement some form of a join algorithm that consumes only one input and produces the other input as part of the algorithm itself.
    A physical operator that implements (a batching version of) the bind join algorithm for cases in which the federation member accessed by the algorithm supports the brTPF interface.
    A physical operator that implements (a batching version of) the bind join algorithm using FILTERs to capture the potential join partners that are sent to the federation member.
    A physical operator that implements (a batching version of) the bind join algorithm using UNION.
    A physical operator that implements (a batching version of) the bind join algorithm using a VALUES clause to capture the potential join partners that are sent to the federation member.
    A physical operator that filters the input solution mappings.
    A physical operator that applies a given vocabulary mapping to all input solution mappings, converting them from using global vocabulary terms to using local vocabulary terms.
    A physical operator that implements a version of the index nested loops join algorithm where the federation member is used as an index to request join partners for the input solution mappings.
    A physical operator that applies a given vocabulary mapping to all input solution mappings, converting them from using local vocabulary terms to using global vocabulary terms.