Class CardinalityBasedJoinOrderingWithRequests

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CardinalityBasedJoinOrderingWithRequests extends CardinalityBasedJoinOrderingBase
This class is an implementation of CardinalityBasedJoinOrderingBase that uses cardinality requests. That is, this class implements the function CardinalityBasedJoinOrderingBase.estimateCardinalities(LogicalPlan[] plans) by, first, issuing cardinality requests for every request operator within each of the given plans; then, for each given plan, the cardinalities for obtained for the corresponding request operators are aggregated. Currently, this aggregation is just a sum, ignoring whether there are filters or l2g operators in the plans. The implementation of the second of the abstract functions of the base class, CardinalityBasedJoinOrderingBase.estimateJoinCardinality(List<AnnotatedLogicalPlan> selectedPlans, int joinCardOfSelectedPlans, AnnotatedLogicalPlan nextCandidate), simply returns the cardinality estimate of the given next candidate subplan. Hence, when deciding which next candidate subplan to add to the join order, this implementation greedily picks the candidate with the lowest cardinality (without considering join cardinalities or anything even more sophisticated). Subclasses may change this behavior. The current implementation of this class assumes that all logical plans under joins (i.e., all plans for which the cardinality needs to be estimated) are either: i) a single request, ii) a filter over a request, iii) an l2g over a request, iv) a filter over an l2g over a request, v) an l2g over a filter over a request, vi) a union over any of the aforementioned options, or vii) an l2g over a union over any of the aforementioned (non-union) options.