Class CardinalityEstimationException

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CardinalityEstimationException extends PhysicalOptimizationException
An exception that occurred during the process of estimating the cardinality of the result that will be produced by a given plan.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • CardinalityEstimationException

      public CardinalityEstimationException(String message, Throwable cause, PhysicalPlan plan)
    • CardinalityEstimationException

      public CardinalityEstimationException(String message, PhysicalPlan plan)
    • CardinalityEstimationException

      public CardinalityEstimationException(Throwable cause, PhysicalPlan plan)
    • CardinalityEstimationException

      public CardinalityEstimationException(PhysicalPlan plan)
  • Method Details

    • getPlan

      public PhysicalPlan getPlan()
      Returns the plan for which estimating the result cardinality failed with this exception.