Class DPBasedJoinPlanOptimizer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DPBasedBushyJoinPlanOptimizer, DPBasedLinearJoinPlanOptimizer

public abstract class DPBasedJoinPlanOptimizer extends JoinPlanOptimizerBase
  • Field Details

    • costModel

      protected final CostModel costModel
  • Constructor Details

    • DPBasedJoinPlanOptimizer

      public DPBasedJoinPlanOptimizer(CostModel costModel)
  • Method Details

    • initializeEnumerationAlgorithm

      protected JoinPlanOptimizerBase.EnumerationAlgorithm initializeEnumerationAlgorithm(List<PhysicalPlan> subplans)
      Specified by:
      initializeEnumerationAlgorithm in class JoinPlanOptimizerBase
    • splitIntoSubSets

      protected abstract <T> List<Pair<List<T>,List<T>>> splitIntoSubSets(List<T> superset)
    • getAllSubSets

      protected static <T> List<List<T>> getAllSubSets(List<T> superset, int n)
      This method returns all subsets (with the given size) of the given superset.
    • determineOptimalCandidatesAtStageN

      protected boolean determineOptimalCandidatesAtStageN(List<List<PhysicalPlan>> subsets, DPBasedJoinPlanOptimizer.OptimalPlansPerStage optPlansPerStage, boolean ignoreCartesianProductJoins) throws PhysicalOptimizationException
      For each of the sets of plans in 'subsets', determines the best possible join plan and adds this best plan to 'optPlansPerStage'.
      subsets - is the set of all sets of plans to be considered at this stage, where all these sets are assumed to be of the same size
      optPlansPerStage - contains the optimal join plans for every proper subset of every set of plans in 'subsets', these optimal join plans were determined in the earlier stages of the DP algorithm
      ignoreCartesianProductJoins - is given as true if this function has to ignore any joins that would produce cartesian products (i.e., joins between subplans that don't share any variable)
      true if at least one possible join plan was added; the only case in which this may be false is if 'ignoreCartesianProductJoins' is true and none of the sets of plans in 'subsets' can be split into two disjoint subsets that share a variable.