Interface CypherMatchQuery

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public interface CypherMatchQuery extends CypherQuery
Represents a Cypher Query with a MATCH-WHERE-RETURN structure, For example, the query: MATCH (x) MATCH (a)-[b]->(c) WHERE a:CLASS AND'value' UNWIND KEYS(a) AS k RETURN x AS n1, c AS n2, k AS key can be represented with this interface.
  • Method Details

    • getMatches

      List<MatchClause> getMatches()
      Obtains the list of the patterns to be matched in the query. For the example query, this method returns a list with 2 elements, one representing each MATCH statement.
      a list of MatchClause objects
    • getConditions

      List<BooleanCypherExpression> getConditions()
      Obtains a list of conditions, such that their conjunction represents the condition imposed in the WHERE clause of the query. For the example query, this method returns a list of 2 conditions, representing a:CLASS and'value'.
      a list of WhereCondition objects
    • getIterators

      List<UnwindIterator> getIterators()
      Obtains a list of iterator expressions, of the form list AS var, present on the query. For the example query, this method returns a list of one iterator: KEYS(a) AS k
      a list of UnwindIterator objects
    • getReturnExprs

      List<AliasedExpression> getReturnExprs()
      Obtains a list of expressions with optional aliases that represent the columns being returned by the query. For the example query, this method returns a list with 2 elements, representing the 2 columns being returned
      a list of ReturnStatement objects
    • getAliases

      List<CypherVar> getAliases()
      Returns a list with the aliases of each of the AliasedExpression objects contained by this query
    • getUvars

      Set<CypherVar> getUvars()
      Returns a Set with all the aliases of the UnwindIterator objects contained by this query