Interface CypherUnionQuery

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public interface CypherUnionQuery extends CypherQuery
Represents a UNION Cypher query. This means, a finite collection of compatible MATCH Cypher queries (modelled by CypherMatchQuery). Two CypherMatchQuery objects are compatible if they return the same number of columns and said columns have the same names or aliases. For instance, the query: MATCH (x) RETURN labels(x) AS l, x AS n UNION MATCH (y)-[e]->(z) RETURN labels(z) AS l, y AS n can be represented with this interface
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the list of MATCH Cypher queries that are part of the union of the modelled query.

    Methods inherited from interface se.liu.ida.hefquin.engine.wrappers.lpg.query.CypherQuery

    getMatchVars, toString
  • Method Details

    • getSubqueries

      List<CypherMatchQuery> getSubqueries()
      Returns the list of MATCH Cypher queries that are part of the union of the modelled query. For the example query, this method returns a list with two elements, one representing each MATCH query.
      a List of CypherMatchQuery objects