Class CardinalityEstimationUtils


public class CardinalityEstimationUtils extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • CardinalityEstimationUtils

      public CardinalityEstimationUtils()
  • Method Details

    • getEstimates

      public static Integer[] getEstimates(CardinalityEstimation cardEstimate, PhysicalPlan... plans) throws CardinalityEstimationException
      Initiates the cardinality estimation processes for all the given plans and, afterwards, waits for the resulting estimates and returns them. The returned array contains as many values as plans are given to this function, where the i-th value is for the i-th plan that is given. Note that calls of this function are synchronous; that is, they return only after the cardinality estimation processes have completed and the estimates have been determined. For asynchronous functions, use the given CardinalityEstimation directly.
    • getEstimates

      public static Integer[] getEstimates(CardinalityEstimation cardEstimate, List<PhysicalPlan> plans) throws CardinalityEstimationException
      Initiates the cardinality estimation processes for all the plans in the given list and, afterwards, waits for the resulting estimates and returns them. The returned array contains as many values as there are plans in the given list, where the i-th value in the array is for the i-th plan in the given list. Note that calls of this function are synchronous; that is, they return only after the cardinality estimation processes have completed and the estimates have been determined. For asynchronous functions, use the given CardinalityEstimation directly.